
Home Credits

Megastores Credits

Last Updated: 5th Nov 2018

Atulsia Megastores would like to embrace with a thanksgiving to our dedicated team members. Dreaming big becomes an addiction when there is a team of highly motivated members to achieve it. There is no other greater source of inspiration and motivation then to walk into work every morning and be greeted by smiles of friendly and supportive team members like ours. Even though we have had many differences and don’t always agree, the team’s approach to exemplary work is unbeatable.

We would like to thank all our merchants for their continued commitment, and invincible enthusiasm which made this project so affirmative and productive. Thanks for your engagement on our social media platforms with the loud cheers and warm regards.

We would also like to thank all our advisors for selflessly committing your time and effort to hard work and for challenging the toughest competitor teams in our business community. And a big thanks to our supporters who endlessly motivated us and made us believe what we dreamt of, that helped us achieve this successfully.

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